
Insights and Expertise

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At Ambassador, our experience runs deep and so do our insights. We’ve learned a lot over the last five decades about what it takes to operate a course materials program that is simple, effective and affordable.

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White Paper: When it Comes to Course Materials, What Model is in Your Students' Best Interests

Outsourcing Course Materials Operations: More Affordable Than You Might Think
Questions to Ask, Costs to Consider and Things to Look for in a Partner

Emerging technologies, greater diversity of curriculum materials, complex student requirements, and ever-changing compliance standards – it’s a lot to navigate. While outsourcing helps schools address these challenges, some still worry about costs and control. See how outsourcing course materials operations is making a measurable difference for schools around the country, helping them maintain their ideal level of control and increase visibility into the process while saving time and money.

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White Paper: When it Comes to Course Materials, What Model is in Your Students' Best Interests

When it Comes to Course Materials, What Model is in Your Students’ Best Interests?
An Options Model Versus an Institutional Model

Traditionally, colleges and universities have offered students an array of choices in accessing their learning materials. Yet schools that have looked at more progressive institutional course materials models are finding they can better meet the needs of their students. Explore the assumptions and the risks of options models, as well as alternative models that may increase course materials affordability, accessibility, convenience and efficacy.

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White Paper: Should Your Campus Bookstore Sell Books

Should Your Campus Bookstore Sell Books?
How and Why a Hybrid Bookstore Model Delivers More Accessible and Affordable Course Materials

The landscape of the campus bookstore is changing as students seek the best prices possible. Yet this doesn’t mean the demise of this once central on-campus hub, but rather an opportunity to reposition the store itself. If revenue is declining at your bookstore and students are shopping elsewhere, learn how a Hybrid Bookstore Model can enable you to merge the convenience of an online store with the importance of an on-campus community, increasing accessibility and affordability.

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White Paper: eBooks and Printed Textbooks: The Value of Student Choice

eBooks and Printed Textbooks: The Value of Student Choice
Considerations and Recommendations for Successful eBook Course Materials Distribution Implementations in Higher Education

Today’s students have, for the most part, grown up in a world filled with technology. Yet this doesn’t necessarily mean they prefer eBooks over printed textbooks when it comes to course materials selection. Learn about the value of student choice and how by empowering learners to make a decision based on their own needs and individual learning style, you can deliver a more personalized education experience.

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Read Our Articles

Are Digital Course Materials Right For Every Instructor and Student? (Ambassador Article in Career College Central)


Integrating Digital Course Materials? Here are Five Things You Should Know (Ambassador Article in eCampus News)


Course Materials are Changing: Are You Keeping Up? (Ambassador Article in Career Education Review)


The Fate of the On-Campus Bookstore (Ambassador Article in eCampusNews)


Why Inclusive Access Makes Sense Now More Than Ever (Career Education Review)


4 Ways to Deliver Successful Inclusive Access Programs (eCampus News)


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