One Platform. For Everyone.
No more navigating multiple systems.
RODA provides centralized, intuitive content access.
No more weighing down your IT Department.
RODA provides total integration management and maintenance.
No more overpaying for materials.
RODA provides complete financial transparency.
Ambassador All-In Equitable & Inclusive Access
Your students automatically receive course materials (new, used, digital, rental and more, or a combination of all types) in time for the first day of class.• You Provide Course Materials Booklist and Enrollment Information, We Handle the Rest: Ambassador matches student information with assigned materials, and takes care of all fulfillment and opt-outs.• Pricing Designed to Fit Your Objectives: We help your school set the Student Sell Price (by student, program or credit hour), which may be bundled into tuition and/or fees.Learn More >
Dedicated Online Bookstores
Branded to your school, students can easily find and order materials anytime, anywhere. • Easy, Convenient On-the-Go Purchasing Experience: From their computer or mobile device, students view formats and pricing, select shipping preferences and place orders, plus we facilitate buybacks.• Flexible Payment Options: Students can use multiple payment types and always see their current financial aid/voucher balance.
Hybrid Bookstores & Spirit Stores
Ambassador helps you maintain an on-campus hub for apparel, merchandise and more, while handling course materials via your dedicated Online Bookstore powered by Ambassador or Ambassador All-In.• Inventory Ordering & Management: Ambassador's procurement team strategizes with your school and negotiates pricing to create your personalized inventory.• Point-of-Sale Integrations: Ambassador empowers campus retail services with state-of-the-art eCommerce tools, real-time analytics and time-saving back-office software.
Bulk Fulfillment
For schools that want to manage distribution themselves, Ambassador aggregates all print and other physical materials and delivers them in bulk to your school.• Seamless Receiving, Distributing and Tracking: Ambassador’s supply chain software, TAG, tracks pre-bundled packages so you know exactly what has been received, what has been picked up by students, and what should be returned.• One Consolidated Invoice for Easier Reconciliation: Ambassador manages all purchase orders, invoices and payments, saving you time and money.
We Do The Heavy Lifting So You Don’t Have To
Thousands of Content Providers and Systems,
One Seamless Integration
Ambassador aggregates content and data from thousands of publishers and systems. We handle all integrations with your school’s SIS, LMS, Financial Systems and Content Platforms through a centralized interface so your team doesn’t have to manage and maintain endless integrations. Plus we handle multiple platforms simultaneously within each institution.
Money-Saving Financial Controls
for Bottom-Line Protection
Put an end to overpaying for digital content, including unused licenses. Ambassador’s proprietary PinPoint technology verifies usage and fees, so whether you choose to outsource course materials to Ambassador, or your school or bookstore prefers to manage fulfillment in-house, we make sure you only pay what you owe. Additionally, we initially front the cost for materials, and your school pays for items shipped to/accessed by students, minimizing your financial risk.
Streamlined, Modern Digital Content
and Device Experience
Ambassador’s Digital Advantage offers complete digital management. We work with publishers to secure materials, we handle all aspects of Inclusive Access and Equitable Access, and we manage your school’s digital catalog, licenses, access configuration, adds, drops, duplicate access and opt-outs. We also oversee every aspect of your device program, including selection, inventory, fulfilment, Wi-Fi hot spots, and returns.
Analytics That Tell You Exactly
What You Need to Know
We believe information should be simple to access and use. Our proprietary business intelligence technology easily connects your team to a variety of standard and custom reports. Because we integrate with your school’s systems, our real-time reporting makes content easier to manage and track, especially for Inclusive Access programs and Publisher Direct Content through your school’s LMS.
Your Own Inventory for
Your Own Students
Ambassador works with your school to build your dedicated inventory, which is not shared with other schools or across marketplace purchases. This increases availability for your students, and it’s easier to ship all items in a student’s order together at one time and under a more consistent timeline guarantee.